
"Curious mind always thinking creatively! I've had the pleasure of mentoring Patricia in product management since early 2024. Her inquisitive mind and ability to think unconventionally are truly impressive. She's always eager to learn and explore new ideas, consistently going the extra mile to understand how she can make a greater impact. Patricia is one of the few mentees who is genuinely proactive, always considering the broader implications of her work. Her brilliant ideas are not only creative but also practical, driving real business progress. I'd highly recommend her for any PM position that requires innovative thinking and a strategic mindset."
Mentor (2024)

"A Patrícia tem um talento especial para encontrar nas pessoas aquilo que elas fazem de melhor antes mesmo de as próprias perceberem as suas qualidades. Trabalhar com a Patrícia é sentir que as nossas capacidades são aproveitadas no seu pleno potencial e que não há opiniões inválidas."
Client (2024)

"Patrícia has high focus and is able to see a clear path on how to make a project move forward with clear objectives and even beyond expectations. She is very attentive to details, while still being able to see the bigger picture."
Client (2024)
"I had the opportunity to work with Patricia, who coached me on my professional development and future career path. Patricia identified areas for improvement and provided comprehensive, constructive feedback. She has been supportive, offering insightful advice and practical suggestions that proved to be game changers."
Client (2024)
"Tive a satisfação de conhecer a Patrícia ainda no âmbito de um procedimento concursal para uma posição de gestora de produto na empresa em que trabalho, Brands and Ninjas. De facto, a candidata salientou-se dos demais não só pelo conhecimento formal dos conceitos e metodologias da função, mas sobretudo pela sua mente analítica e abordagem de problem solver. Após esse procedimento em que a candidata ficou com a posição, a Patrícia salientou-se de sobremaneira dentro da empresa mostrando uma enorme capacidade não só de gestão de empresas, mas também de inovação, sentido de negócio e gestão estratégica. Estas características, fizeram com que a Patrícia passasse a assumir um papel de “Playmaker” dentro da Brands and Ninjas. Exemplificando, a Patrícia permitiu uma expansão do negócio e a criação de uma revenue stream não contemplada previamente pela empresa, e a sua criatividade aliada à eficiente visão estratégica, possibilitou em conjunto com o Marketing da B&N, a conceção de uma nova abordagem de marketing e comunicação com os clientes. A Patrícia é ainda uma facilitadora de discussões produtivas e temporizadas, possui uma excelente habilidade de liderança e uma enorme facilidade em arranjar sol uções e decompor ideias complexas. A sua mente analítica faz com que tenha paixão pelo conhecimento, nomeadamente pela vertente técnico-científica, estando neste momento a escrever um artigo em coautoria com a unidade de dados da empresa sobre uma solução desenvolvida recentemente. Em termos pessoais, é uma profissional dedicada, divertida, alegre, de fácil interação e comprometida com o bem-estar dos colegas."
CDO at Brands & Ninjas (2024)
"My experience working alongside Patrícia over the past year has been nothing short of exceptional. From the moment she entered our company, there has been a noticeable change in organization and interdepartmental communication. Patricia is someone on whom one can rely on, as there is an openness to communicate and a sense of accomplishment after each meeting. I have experienced many meetings where the general feeling is that not much is achieved, but never with Patricia. She can always drive a crucial point home and set feasible goals to agilize processes and motivate the team. In my opinion, every company should have its own version of Patrícia - someone who listens, understands and solves."
Brands & Ninjas (2024)
"I highly recommend Patricia, who I worked with at Data Leaders for over 2 years. During this time, I was impressed by Patricia's dedication, initiative, and willingness to go above and beyond to help the team. Patricia demonstrated a strong work ethic and a genuine interest in learning the job. She actively built and expanded her skill set, learning new skills and tools to help her effectively manage projects. One of the things that stood out to me about Patricia was her ability to go the extra length to help people on the project. She was always willing to lend a hand, even when it meant taking on extra work or unblocking people when there were obstacles. Her positive attitude and team spirit made her a pleasure to work with. Overall, I highly recommend Patricia for any future opportunities in product management. She proved to be a valuable asset to the team, and I am confident she will continue to do very well in her career."
Data Leaders (2023)
"From my first day at Data Leaders, Patricia was always THE go to person. She constantly brings new ideas to the table, jumps in when needed and goes the extra mile. She is hardworking and passionate about what she does and a great person to work with."
Data Leaders (2022)
"Patricia has demonstrated an excellent attitude ever since I have worked with her. Her continuous helpfulness has been integral in improving all the functions within the organisation. She has, despite many set backs finalised a very tricky website which has involved her working beyond her given hours, and the end result was higher than all expectations. Showing a huge appetite in moving the company forward has meant Patricia has been involved with work outside of her remit and she has miraculously been able to balance and exceed in all possible ways."
Data Leaders (2021)
"In a recent academic project (“UCC online”) that Patrícia has developed and that was supervised by me, I was able to confirm her specific skills, namely regarding her ability to meet the costumer’s needs and to meet deadlines as well as her constant concern about the quality of the final product and her realistic task and time management. Its was a challenge to work with different stakeholders and this student has revealed her capacity to work under pressure and to develop a goal oriented work."
Public Health Unit Aveiro (2017)